Tubs & Lids


Tubs & Lids

35ml Tubs 1000’s

35ml Tubs 1000's Lids not included . Code: F.RL035T Quantity: 1000 Color: Clear Material: Polypropylene

Black Plastic Tub 170ml/250ML/350ML/500ML

Black Plastic Tub 170ml/250ML/350ML/500ML Tub: Code:F.C17 Quantity: 100 in a sleeve, 10 in a box Color: Black LIDS NOT INCLUDID LIDS THAT FIT Plastic Tubs Lids 118mm 100's Code:F.L1018 Quantity: 100 in a pack, 10 in a bale Color: White

Bon Bon tubs and lids

Bon Bon tubs and lids Code: F.S0489+F.S0490 Quantity:360  

FOMO Tub 250ml/350ml/500ml

FOMO Tub 250ml/350ml/500ml Tub: Code:F.FT002,F.FT003,F.FT004 Quantity: 25 in a pack/ 20 packs in a bale LIDS NOT INCLUDED LID THAT FIT Fomo Tub Lid 114mm Code:F.TL003 Quantity: 100 in a pack, 10 in a bale Color: Clear

Square Tub 1kg + lid

Square Tub 1kg + lid Code: F.TC18+F.TC17 Quantity: 10

Square Tub 500g + lid

Square Tub 500g + lid Code: F.TC14+F.TC10 Quantity: 10

Fomo Tub Lid 114mm

Code:F.TL003 Quantity: 100 in a pack/10 packs in a bale Color: Clear

X Large RL Lids

Code: F.RL1000L Specification: 140mm Quantity: 100 Color: Clear Material: Polypropylene

Large RL Lids

Code: F.RL500L Specification: 120mm Quantity: 200 Color: Clear Material: Polypropylene

Small RL Lids

Code: F.RL035L Specification: 69 x 61mm Quantity: 1000 Color: Clear Material: Polypropylene

Plastic Tubs Lids 118mm 100’s

Black Plastic Tubs Lids 118mm Code:F.L1018 Quantity: 100 in a pack, 10 in a bale Color: White

Square Tub 250g + lid

Square Tub 250g + lid Code: F.TC12+F.TC10 Quantity: 10
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